Write a Letter and Mail It Today!

Day 22 of the 30-Day Self Care Challengehandwriting a letter

Write a Letter and Mail It! To an Old Friend, Grandma or Grandpa, Mom or Dad, Former Colleague

The lost art of handwriting a letter can be an excellent way to connect with old friends (or new, for that matter), relatives who aren’t on social media, and as an added bonus, you get to say what you want without stumbling for words! 🙂

Sometimes, when we talk on the phone, we are at a loss for words and when we end the call, we realize all the things we should have, could have, and would have said if we had just thought about them in the moment.

Writing those thoughts down and sending the heartfelt letter or card on its way will feel like you’ve accomplished something big! And the person receiving it…well, you just wait!

Copyright 2019 Taru Nieminen