Take 10 Every Day for Yourself

Day 2 – 30-Day Self Care Challenge

30 Day self care challenge take 10 minutes every day hearts

The purpose of this challenge is not to make you even more stressed out by putting undue time limits on what you need to do. Remember, this is all for YOU.

So, instead of thinking we need to dedicate oodles of time, take just 10 every day. Perhaps today is a good day for you to schedule this time in your calendar, set up an alarm on your phone to take the 10, print out the calendar on the last page and stick it on your board or slip it inside your planner.

10 minutes is all you need. You CAN carve out that time. Of course, if you have more time, great. And remember that you can do this challenge in any order you wish.

Copyright 2019 Taru Nieminen