Day 12 Inspiration and Ideas Abound

Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash

Today’s Meditation


“Teachers who are crazy enough to think they can change the world usually do.”

One of the most important aspects of creating the perfect teacher’s life is to remember, every day, the reason at the core of our being. The reason we started teaching in the first place.

Far too many people are confused about what they should be doing, in life and in their career. They want to be happier and more successful at work. They just don’t know how to achieve either.

Creating meaning and purpose

To have meaning and purpose in what you do, and to see results, — gives us motivation. Inspires us. In teaching, this often means finding the meaning and purpose. Sometimes we must dig deep to see it and find it. As Kevin James reminded us on day 10, he had “many teachers that were great, positive role models and [they] taught me to be a good person and stand up and be a good man. A lot of the principles they taught me still affect how I act sometimes and it’s 30 years later.”

Most days you have no idea what you might have said or done and how it might have helped a student. As you know, students rarely come to us and tell us: “Hey, you really helped me today. Thanks.”

When you have meaning and purpose in your work, you are more energized and find your work satisfying, and you find that teaching gives you so much enjoyment!

You want to have the energy and motivation to jump out and be ready for the day immediately, the second you open your eyes!

How do you find that motivation and inspiration, the ideas for the next day, the next week of teaching?

“When someone asks why anyone would ever become a teacher, remind them why it’s worth it. Every job has its ups and downs. But not every job can change a life.”

Remember, you are here for you and your students. As long as you remember that, things will work out. When you chose to start this journey of meditation, to make it till the end of the year, you chose to exclude the outside influence, bad habits, the people who do not serve you, all the distractions that didn’t allow you to operate at your fullest, your best self, your best as a teacher.

You’ve already figured out many things that have disconnected you from the world of teaching, and today, we are going to forge onward with finding the inspiration, the passion, your core motivators in doing what you do.

Finding what works for you

Remember, this meditation is merely guidance for you to find what works for you. What inspires one might not inspire you. What works for you, might not work for your friend. Modify the meditation, the pondering, and perhaps the praying you need to do to accomplish all you do in your teaching, in your day, and your life. Live, love, laugh. For some, that is all the inspiration they need.

Think about it, have you ever taught at a time you weren’t inspired, had no ideas? I bet every teacher has at one point or another. You just went through the day, uninspired, unhappy, tense, and with no goal.

You can make relatively small changes in what you do to make the day better, the week better, the school year better. Choose to be inspired.

Staying on track with teaching, being inspired, performing at your ultimate level are the aspects which bring value to you and your teaching. It gives you a sense of fulfillment. It’s more than money can buy. Knowing you’ve completed things, you’ve done well, is an intrinsic reward for a job well done. This reward gives you even more inspiration to do what needs to be done. But more importantly, it gives you motivation to do fun things. To enjoy your day and life.

Feel happier today — Order the full guide to listen to words of inspiration

Nurture your inspiration, find it in everyday occurrence, works of art, poems, music. Let family, friendship, and community inspire you. Inspiration can be easy, it doesn’t have to be a seismic shift in your doing and thinking.

When you are living a happy, relaxed, inspired teacher’s life, inspiration begins to occur effortlessly, you’re eager to work, you ignore outside influence, and you have a reason to teach. Look for the value teaching brings to you, your students, your family, your friends, all you do and say. It can be powerful.


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All done with the 5 Free Days? If you found the meditation helpful, imagine what 21 Days of Guided Meditation can do? Order now and Listen to Day 12 and beyond to create calmness, happiness, and energy in your life.

Keep Reading the blog: Day 13 Active and Mindful Listening

©Taru Nieminen 2017   The Happy Teacher Solution