Day 16 Kindness, Compassion, and the Inner Smile

Photo by Nina Strehl on Unsplash

Today’s Meditation


“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” —Aesop

Being kind and showing kindness has become somewhat of a sensation with the social media crowd. When someone shows kindness, it is often seen as an act to be shown off, to be spread (a good thing) and to some, a way of feeling better themselves, having circulated the video about the homeless man helping kittens out of a burning building…

And when asked, on camera, about why he did this act of heroism, this selfless act where he himself could have been seriously hurt, the man responds with questioning eyes, brow kind of furrowing: “Well, of course, there was a need and I filled it…anyone would do the same thing.”

Kindness gives you energy

Kindness and being a kind person does take some energy, but you receive it back thousand-fold.

Treating everyone with kindness can be the lifestyle of any teacher, should be the lifestyle of any teacher. Treating everyone as an equal, whether bank teller, administrator, waiter, waitress, janitor, lunch lady — affirming the golden rule. How would you like to be treated?

Make it a point to smile, to be kind, to tell a joke, to lift someone up, get the person to smile, be happier for just the mere fact that you happened to pass through their day. 😊 When you are kind to others and show kindness, people will be kind to you.

“Create a pattern of kindness in your life.” —Taru Kaarina Nieminen

Being humane to another can take many forms.

Think of what you could do – what would your random act of kindness be? You hear of people paying for the groceries of the person in front or behind them, putting quarters into the expired meter of a parking space.

It could be as simple as holding an umbrella for someone getting into a taxi as it’s pouring rain, carrying groceries to the car, to the front door, helping your neighbor rake the leaves, mow the yard; all kinds of different acts that take no money.

Volunteer to clean up a beach, a riverbank, an empty lot, do something together with a group if you don’t feel up to taking the world of kindness just on your own. Being together with like-minded people can propel you to do more, to be more kind to yourself, your environment, your relationships.

Spread love, receive love

“Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.” —Mother Teresa

Inspire kindness in your world. Do those random acts. And they can be as big or small as you wish. Start small if you’ve never done any. Start with a smile. It’s free, it’s easy, and it’s kind.

How can you do all this in an authentic way, so the purity of the kind act is preserved? Being sincere and earnest in your acts, reach out of your comfort zone as you keep giving, and therefore also receiving energy from the kindness you spread. Keep it meaningful to you.

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Kindness and empathy are the foundations on which humanity will stand or fall. Be the rock for yourself, your friends, colleagues, family, your community. Be that kind person.


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Keep Reading the blog: Day 17 Nurturing the Teacher Within

©Taru Nieminen 2017   The Happy Teacher Solution