Saving Memories

Saving Memories: Or “If I could rescue one thing from my house in the midst of a terrible fire, what would it be?”

Kristiina, my sister, and I were happily playing in our grandma’s house…when-

“Oh, NO!” screamed our mom (along with a sigh embedded—you know that’s like a technical aptitude one gains as a mom).

“What ARE you doing!?” she insisted, now with her hand firmly staged on her hips, her face contorted in a grimace.

I looked at her as if she was an imbecil; wasn’t it obvious? We were getting ready to go out sunbathing. Duh!

You couldn’t tell from the suntan lotion Kristiina has on? My inquisitive look tried to communicate to her as I pointed at my little sister…

…who was completely covered – head to toe (really, -even in between her toes) – in smeared on, white and pasty, suntan lotion.

Of course, being the angelic child I was (not) – I’m batting my eyelashes at this point with that “I didn’t do anything…”-look…

But alas, there is no denying it happened…I have seen the evidence.

The photo proves it. My sister, about two years old, covered in that white, pasty, Nivea lotion… You know the kind that no matter how much you rubbed, your skin just refused to absorb it.

Those were the days…

Memories of childhood summers and antics lived, stories told with a snapshot in time.

That’s what I would save – the photos I’ve perused hundreds of times…

What would you save?

©Taru Nieminen 2019