Meditate, Try Yoga or Mindfulness

Day 20 of the 30-Day Self Care Challengelotus flower for meditation

Meditate/Try Yoga/Mindfulness

Taking just a few moments to breathe can make all the difference. Meditation doesn’t mean you have to contort yourself into a pretzel nor does it mean you have to breathe deeply for hours. You really can meditate in just 10 minutes. Even 5 will do. As a matter of fact, when you first start, you may want to set a timer for just 2-5 minutes. It may seem like forever if you’ve never meditated! Here’s a link to an article with 10 different 10-minute guided meditations. Why guided? It takes the guesswork out of what you need to do. Just listen and breathe. 🙂

Are you an overwhelmed teacher? Try my guided meditation free for 5 days.

Mindfulness means just that: be mindful of what is going on, what you’re eating, what you’re doing. Take a few seconds/minutes to take it all in, being grateful for everything you do have. And let go of what is not serving you.

Yoga has been shown to reduce anxiety and stress, may reduce inflammation, and improves flexibility and balance. It has many other benefits as well, all depending on the individual; how long one has practiced, your starting point, and overall, what you think of yoga, perhaps your prejudices. For example, practicing yoga does not mean you have to subscribe to Buddhism, Hinduism, or anything of the like. Think of it as stretching if you need to quiet your mind about the “religious” aspect of it.

Copyright 2019 Taru Nieminen