Hydrate Your Body to Feeling Good

Day 4 – 30-Day Self Care Challenge

Healthy Body through Hydration

Do you know how much water you’re supposed to drink? 8 glasses a day, 3 liters a day, or just a few cups of coffee will do for you?

It depends. On your weight, your eating habits (e.g. eating water-rich foods), your exercise level (strenuous vs. mild), and generally what you do during the day in your job (walking and on your feet all day vs. sitting at a desk). Here’s a quick look at roughly how much water you should drink according to your weight. (From SlenderKitchen.com)

Weight Ounces of Water Daily Liters (roughly)
100 pounds 67 ounces 1,9 liters
110 pounds 74 ounces 2,2 liters
120 pounds 80 ounces 2,4 liters
130 pounds 87 ounces 2,6 liters
140 pounds 94 ounces 2,8 liters
150 pounds 100 ounces 2,9 liters
160 pounds 107 ounces 3,2 liters
170 pounds 114 ounces 3,4 liters
180 pounds 121 ounces 3,6 liters

Are you trying to lose weight? Then you should drink more, because drinking water aids in eliminating waste from your body and gives you a full feeling. Exercise a lot? You definitely need to hydrate! Yup, I know – how can you drink SO much water?

Here’s a trick I use: I love sparkling water and specifically the flavored ones. When I have those around, I have no problem drinking my allotted amount; they taste like candy to me! You could also drink fruit-infused water, herbal teas, and let’s debunk the myth that coffee dehydrates you. There’s not that much of a diuretic in it to make such a big difference. Well, okay, if you drink only coffee and you drink more than about 4-5 cups a day, we may have a problem…

Want to read more? Here’s a link to an article on Healthline.

Copyright 2019 Taru Nieminen