Enjoy Eating or Drinking Mindfully

Day 21 of the 30-Day Self Challenge chocolates and wineEnjoy a Glass of Wine/Cocktail/Chocolate Bar Mindfully

Sometimes, we just gulp down that glass of wine/cocktail after a hard, long work day. Been there, done that. Thinking “that’s exactly what I needed!” Whew! “Now I can relax.” Without even tasting the drink.

If chocolate is your preferred vice, when did you take more than 5 minutes to scarf down a Snickers, Milky Way, or a Hershey bar…? Destroying one in less than a minute? Definitely can relate.

I have friend, whose brother took 2 days to eat a candy bar! He enjoyed every bite, every different taste, every little morsel. You don’t have to go that far, just take time to enjoy.

Copyright 2019 Taru Nieminen