Disconnecting from Social Media for a Day

Day 13 in the 30-Day Self Care ChallengeCat with bulging eyes socail media free

Unless this is part of your job, there should be no reason why this couldn’t work. If you’re addicted, you may feel a slight tinge in your chest as you’re reading this…

The more reason for you to take a break.

We are so enthralled with everyone else’s lives of Facebook and the feel-good messages we may receive when someone likes our tweet (or retweets it – now you have clout!) that we forget to live “reality.”

Let’s take a breather and instead, make good food to eat, bake something for the fam, go for a walk, take pictures just for the fun of it (but NO posting!), paint, draw, read, write, etc., etc.

P.S. Let us know how you did… or did not…

Copyright 2019 Taru Nieminen