Day 2 The Tranquil Space

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Today’s Meditation


“When we are unable to find tranquility within ourselves, it is useless to seek it elsewhere.” — La Rochefoucauld

How does it sound and feel? Your tranquil classroom?

You’ve undoubtedly made one of those virtual maps or paper drawings of your perfect classroom.

Is yours tranquil? If not, what is the ONE thing you could change today?

Just one. Change the chair you are sitting on to a different place? Move one desk? Put up one poster to make you feel good? Get a calendar with a beach scene? The possibilities are endless, but choose only one.

Create your own image of the perfect classroom. Now go sit in it as a student, as a teacher, as an administrator. What do you see? How is it laid out? What colors do you see? What type of seating?

What does your space look like? Think of this when you embark on your second day of meditation.

Visualize your perfect classroom

Visualize your perfect classroom. After all, this is where you spend the bulk of your day as a teacher. Why not have it be perfect, and if not in reality, you can always visit it during your meditation. Now, before you debunk this idea, hear me out.

I currently live in Michigan. The cloudiest state in the US. And I love the sun. I crave sunshine every day. I certainly don’t get it here —sometimes for days, there is no sun. So during my meditation, I’m on a white-washed sun porch, somewhere in the tropics, sitting in my flowered chair with my laptop and I’m happily writing. This is the place I go when I meditate. It makes me happy.

Create your happy classroom (or any place that makes you happy) and go there when you meditate. Imagine what it would look like. What type of chair are you sitting on? When you walk around the space, what do you see? Create this space and make it special. This is where you can be the creative teacher, the most wonderful teacher, the one waiting inside you.

One my friends, Ellen, chose a cliff overlooking Lake Superior at McLain State park. It’s her happy place.

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It is possible for you to visit that safe space anytime of the day

So make it special. When you are able to do this, you can visit the place and feel a sense of quiet and peace, a sense of control and self-awareness.

When you’ve established that safe, special place for yourself, it gives you a better understanding of yourself, gives you better sleep, improves your learning and memory process as well as communication.

When you’re in your safe space, you can regulate your emotions — and actions towards your emotions — more effectively which gives you that inner peace everyone craves.

Meditation can give you that special space and safe place to think and ponder, to create and inspire.

Remember, meditation requires practice and patience.

Today we are going to create the safe, special, tranquil classroom or place that you can visit anytime.

TRY IT! 5 DAYS of FREE MEDITATION! Just click here, enter your name & email to get started!

Feel happier today — Order the full guide to listen to words of inspiration

Build your special place, make it yours. Listen to hear inspiring words of guidance to be able to visit your tranquil place anytime. 😊

KEEP READING: Day 3 The Power of the Subconscious

©2017 Taru Nieminen   The Happy Teacher Solution