Day 10 Promoting Positive Change

Photo by Mark Adriane on Unsplash

Today’s Meditation


“Your positive action combined with positive thinking results in success.” —Shiv Khera


We’ve concentrated on many things during our journey so far. Many of them have been somewhat negative in nature, but all have changed into positives. There can’t be enough said about how positivity can change a person’s life.

As teachers, we often must be the bearer of bad news about unsatisfactory grades or calling about unruly students, learning yet another method of teaching, when you just mastered the old one, being called for lunch duty during your planning time, etc., etc.

But on the other hand, think of all the good that has happened, think of all the things you could write in your gratitude journal about your classroom this year. You could even start a gratitude journal for the classroom. Have students write in it. They do see the world differently. Only allow positive writings, if you do start this. You could call it “The Positive Journal,” “Our Classroom is Positive,” “Be Positive.” I’m sure you can come up with more creative titles. 😊

You’ve already started your positive journey, why not include your students? It might be slow at first, but it’s like the river that flows into the ocean, little by little, it does.

“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.” —Willie Nelson


How to start a positive journal-writing experience in your classroom:

Choose a notebook, binder with loose leaf paper, even a folder would work. Or “open” a mailbox (e.g. shoebox, large jar) where students can drop words of encouragement, positive notes to classmates, you, the principal, and overall just tell what a positive experience they’ve had at school. And if your students are too young to write, maybe a “positive day” sharing session at the end of the day would work. Here’s another great project. The results are amazing.

“Delete the negative; accentuate the positive!” —Donna Karan

Make it positive

While teaching 8th grade English, I made a positive phone call home about a student. When the parent answered, I could hear the helplessness in the greeting already: “What has Kadra done now?” When I told about my positive experience with their child, I could hear (and imagined seeing) the astonishing gasp, the open mouth, the tears swelling up. This mother had never, in the eight years her child had been in school, received a positive phone call! How sad. Be the change, start today. Pledge to make five positive phone calls today. And another five tomorrow. Keep calling. Every day.

“For me, life is about being positive and hopeful, choosing to be joyful, choosing to be encouraging, choosing to be empowering.”—Billy Porter

Merriam-Webster defines positive as marked by or indicating acceptance, approval, or affirmation, having a good effect, and marked by optimism. Sounds like a winner, doesn’t it?

Vow to only post positive news, positive comments, positive affirmations on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media. This can make a tremendous shift in the way you think. Unfollow negative people. Choose to be positive, choose to spread only positive news, choose to only start a conversation with positivity.

Love yourself first

“Love yourself first and everything else falls in line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.” —Lucille Ball

A teacher’s life can be filled with hardships and struggles, but with a positive mindset, you can find the wonders of teaching, love what you do, and live the ultimate teacher’s life.

The change to be the teacher you’ve always strived to be is within you. The power lies within you and the transformation to positive outcomes will shine through. Others might have already noticed it.

When you blanket yourself in love, you spread the love to others. Feel the love, the positive change, the transformation, taking place. Remember yesterday’s reading about influence? Feel like you haven’t reached anyone? You can influence someone.

“I had many teachers that were great, positive role models and taught me to be a good person and stand up and be a good man. A lot of the principles they taught me still affect how I act sometimes and it’s 30 years later.” —Kevin James

Feel happier today — Order the full guide to listen to words of inspiration

With this tenth day of meditation, you’ve reached a real turning point in attaining the happy teacher’s life. You’ve faced challenges, struggles, and difficult parts of yourself. As teachers, we know that teaching is not always easy, but it is always worth it.


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All done with the 5 Free Days? If you found the meditation helpful, imagine what 21 Days of Guided Meditation can do? Order now and Listen to Day 10 and beyond to create calmness, happiness, and energy in your life.

Keep Reading the blog: Day 11 The Happy Teacher’s Rituals

©Taru Nieminen 2017   The Happy Teacher Solution