Day 1 Create a Sense of Control and Quiet

Today’s Meditation


“Think in the morning. Act in the noon. Eat in the evening. Sleep in the night.” —William Blake

You’ve embarked on this journey to take control.

To no longer be exhausted. To feel like you matter.

To be more like yourself, not someone who merely goes through the day like a zombie.

Take the time now. Control your time. Concentrate on this ONE task.

Be present. Love yourself. Give this time for you, so you can give of yourself to others.

The difference will be amazing. Gift yourself the time. Just 10-15 minutes a day. You deserve it.

Imagine being able to manage your work, your day, your life, with ease. This is the essence of teaching and living in the zone. You begin to control the mind, instead of being controlled by the mind.

Stay positive. Be positive. Laugh. Smile. Be present for yourself so you can be present for your students, your friends, your family. Take a deep breath and let it out. It will all work out. Promise.

Peace of mind through daily meditation

One of the most effective means of achieving a sense of control and quiet is through meditation. Daily meditation is a proven way of receiving peace of mind from the troubles and distractions of everyday life and will help you to find that sense of control.

When your mind is cluttered, and jumps from one thing to another, thinking clearly can be an overwhelming challenge. Once you learn how to clear your mind, you can start to live, love, and teach more clearly. You become more focused and able to control every aspect of your day.

Learning to take control of your mind can seem like an overwhelming task at first. But as with any learning, it is a process and takes practice. Some will start, then stop the very next day, and never look at this program again. Don’t give up. Forgive yourself and restart.

Meditation can give you peace and flow into your day

“When the breath wanders the mind also is unsteady. But when the breath is calmed the mind too will be still, and the yogi achieves long life. Therefore, one should learn to control the breath.”         Hatha Yoga Pradipika

At this point you’re just wanting to make it to the end of the day, the week, the end of the school year with success. Meditation will give you just that.

Meditation can give you that peace, the flow you’re looking for, help in finding your zone, connecting with yourself.

Meditation releases us from the endless chatter in our minds, the busyness we often resort to in our daily life — without resorting to self-destructiveness via drugs, alcohol, or food to make ourselves feel good and worthy.

Meditation allows us to focus.

Experiencing success in all aspects of your life

“Quiet allows us to [teach] from the heart, not just the head.” —Annette Annechild, PhD.

The perfect teacher’s life is not only experiencing success in the classroom, but also the joy of creating and producing great lessons without pressure and the freedom to create them with ease.

The increasingly frenzied pace of our lives can profoundly affect the ability to lead a true teacher’s life. With your summers off — completely off — whatever that means to you.

The constant feeling of chaos in the world leads many of us to levels of anxiety beyond our control. The barrage of news events, technology driven social media, and instant access to all things electronic, can lead us to feel restless, sleepless, endure nightmares, and have a general feeling of suffering.

How do you combat all this? By taking control of your mind and experiencing peace and quiet.

Capturing a sense of control and quiet Is perhaps one of the most important aspects of meditation in ensuring that you can connect to your inner teacher. So you can nurture and support the talent and conditions necessary for inspired teaching.

Research by Dr. Daniel Siegel reveals our sense of control truly means: “Perhaps the deepest need people have is for a sense of control. When we feel out of control, we experience a powerful and uncomfortable tension between the need for control and the evidence of inadequate control. Note that the need is for ‘a sense of control’, not just for ‘control’. This need around how we feel about control is much deeper and has a wider scope than just seeking power and the control it brings.”

Meditation has been practiced for centuries to quiet the mind. “Practiced in the East and the West, in ancient times and in modern societies, mindful awareness techniques, like meditation, help people move towards well-being by training the mind to focus on moment-to-moment experiences.”

Capturing quiet and having a sense of control is perhaps the most important concept to master in order to connect with your inner teacher and refine your talents of being a life-long learner.

In the first parts of the 21-day journey in The Happy Teacher Solution, you take control and quiet the mind. The tools herein can help you align yourself with the basic needs that are often drowned out by today’s hectic lifestyle and the many demands of your career.

TRY IT! 5 DAYS of FREE MEDITATION! Just click here, enter your name & email to get started!

Feel happier today — Order the full guide to listen to words of inspiration 

Take control of your day, quiet your mind. Listen to inspiring words of guidance to learn the simple art of meditation and give yourself a quiet, peaceful, mind.  😊

KEEP READING: Day 2 The Tranquil Space

©2017 Taru Nieminen   The Happy Teacher Solution