Challenge Yourself to Draw, Paint, or Be Creative

Day 24 of the 30-Day Self Care Challengea lttle girl painting a rainbowDraw/Paint/Be Creative (and Hang It On Your Wall/Fridge)

This is similar to day 17 – being like a kid. Draw or paint a picture. Pretend you are 5 years old and your parents/grandparents/relatives are anxiously waiting to see the masterpiece they’ll be able to hang on the fridge.

And then do just that: tape it on the wall, hang it on the fridge, or frame it as a reminder to be you, be happy, be bright.

Being and loving yourself is the key here. Often, we compare ourselves way too much with others. Your painting or drawing doesn’t compare to Picasso or Monét? Really? They were masters of their trade. And took YEARS to become such.

Even if you just draw or paint stick figures, it’s YOURS. Be proud and hang it up!

Copyright 2019 Taru Nieminen