Day 25 of the 30-Day Self Care Challenge
Create positive vibes about YOU
Love your body – take a mindfulness test to scan your body – and create the body you want.
But truly – it’s not how you look.
It’s how you act and how your treat others, and how they see you.
I thought this was about ME! Not how everyone else sees me!
Let me explain.
When speaking of body image – and specifically the image we have of ourselves… I was reminded of this (just in time for this to be written) when I had lunch with a good friend, Lisa.
We are always happy to see each other, and most often than not, we have a very good lunch… and we eat way more than we really need.
I think we’ve accustomed ourselves to the fact that this is what we do when we get together. It might even seem really weird if we met at the gym to work out together… we’ve met for walks, but those happened either before or after the lunch.
Anyway, during this particular lunch, we of course talk about our weight, the struggles, the way we feel, the way we look.
When I told Lisa I feel great, although I had just weighed myself that morning (I only do this when I think I’ve lost a few pounds because I’ve really been trying to be good about what I’ve eaten…) just to find out I hadn’t lost even a half a pound!
Lisa mentioned how she thought I looked great, and that I must not weigh more than 110 pounds [Thanks, Lisa- I LOVE you! ;)], Then she said, maybe 120 max. as I almost laughed right at her! Again, I love you, LISA! 🙂
This really brought it home for me. The way we feel – great, positive mindset, life going in the right direction (or at least not in the wrong one…) – and just overall, that life is good, must show on the outside.
Because I weigh more than 110. Or even 120. A LOT MORE!
But for her to see that, she must be looking at me differently.
Or see something different.
Nevertheless, it can be frustrating when you KNOW you should lead a healthier lifestyle and then, as you’re still thinking this… you reach for the candy bar, brownie, cookie, whatever your vice. And “life” just keeps getting in the way.
So, yeah, that’s why you’re doing this 30-day challenge! 😉
So, be good to your body today, to your mind, and take care to think of how you see your body. Love your entire body, your being, your every nook and cranny. Create positive thoughts about you, your body, and your image.
Copyright 2019 Taru Nieminen
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