20 Questions for Teachers

20 Question Challenge for Teachers

Here’s a challenge for you: read and answer each of these 20 questions to find out some interesting things about yourself. Follow the facebook page and conversation – now, some of these are very intimate and some of the questions may be a bit too personal to post about. That’s okay.

These are for you. Whether you journal about them, talk it out with a friend, or simply mull over in your mind (perhaps with a good glass of wine…) it’s all up to you.

These 20 questions are meant for reflection, ponder, and/or meditation. You choose. Perhaps you’ll take each question and answer in your diary. You may want to answer all 20 in one sitting or tackle one per day. Perhaps you’ll pass on some, while taking much more time on others. Everyone is different.

Everyone will have different answers, different thoughts, and different emotions that may spring up. Take heart that those which “upend” you and bring the strongest emotions may be the ones that you may want to take more time on.

Again, everyone is different. Yet, you may want to have a plan in place when/if extremely strong reactions/passions/excitements surface. Perhaps take a walk, write it down, or meditate on it. Most of all, enjoy.

20 Questions for Teachers

  1. Where are you coming from?
  2. How are you feeling? Sad, scared, hopeless, hopeful, excited, nervous
  3. Are your feelings universal?
  4. How did you end up here?
  5. Do you have underlying fears
  6. Do you feel hopeless/hopeful?
  7. Are you comparing yourself to others?
  8. Do you have an overwhelming sense of anxiety?
  9. Are you grateful for what you have? Truly grateful?
  10. When did you last gift time for yourself?
  11. Do you feel like you have no control over your career?
  12. Do you need control of not just your career but life in general?
  13. Can your fears be substantiated?
  14. Do you look around you with overwhelm? Overwhelm at everything?
  15. Do you have a sense of not knowing where to start?
  16. Are you prepared?
  17. Can you organize? Organize time, files, priorities, family, etc.? Batch.
  18. Are you creative? What does it mean?
  19. How can you cultivate creativity?
  20. How do you deal with: family, overwhelm, time constraints, demands of work/admin, bad habits/good habits, organizing, quality lesson planning?


No matter what your answers, if you haven’t tried meditation yet, each happy, sad, elated, and fearful answer can be dealt with in meditation.

I hope you have an amazing day!

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